Sunday 4 December 2011

The Goose is getting Fat

The Goose is getting Fat

Or in my case, I’m getting fat!
Always good to start on a positive note here at! In truth the last few weeks have just been so busy I really haven’t had time to get out and do my own running and training.  So with that in mind I’ve decided to have a few days to myself, take a step back, breathe,  and then run around like a headless chicken once again buying Christmas presents, uploading photographs, and taking a bit of time to do the things I want to do.

And to also get on and write the next blog for the site!  So what have I been doing since the last blog?
The start of the Christmas season has begun in what can only be described as fine form,  with the first of many parties I will be enjoying over the next few weeks.  With that in mind last weekend was a trip to Milton Keynes to meet up with old and new friends from all over the country at the Pirate Christmas Party.  A few of the guys started the day off with a little jogette at the Wolverton 5 mile Road Race, you can find some of the pictures from this here on the site .  As for the rest of the day/evening, well much of that is a blur, though I am more than sure that everyone that came along had a good time.
As I was saying earlier, this weekend I have taken a few days off from work and this has led me to do something that I haven’t done since the summer.  I have been for a few long  walks to go and see what is happening close to my home in the Fens and down by The River Ouse.  I have to say getting up early on a day off from my normal 9 to 5, which sadly isn’t taking photos (shame, I know), is normally not the easiest thing to do. Though I am so glad that I did it on Friday and Sunday morning. Friday morning was a bright cold frosty beautiful winter morn, such a great way for me to start my few days away from the office.
Sunday was easier then Friday!  Why, you might ask?  Well, we had a very young house guest stay over on Saturday night, one of my wife’s best friends 9 month old daughter.  Bless her we couldn’t have asked for a better house guest of such a young tender age. Though it did still mean an early start to Sunday, so it gave me another chance to take some more photos.  I have added one or three to the blog for you, though more of the  photos can be seen on the site.  
I have added a few of the photos I took from these walks to the blog, and I hope that they give you a sense of how the walks went and the enjoyment I got from them.
So the goose is getting fat, time to put a plan into action! That plan, running starts again Monday.  All I will say for the moment is watch this space to see how it goes, that Edinburgh Marathon isn’t that far away!

Next blog coming soon.
Don’t forget to check out the main website

Saturday 19 November 2011

In the news this week

What a week it has been, went live last weekend.  We’ve had some great feedback so far, though please if you do still have some thoughts about the site please don’t keep them to yourself, you can send your feedback to
This week I’ve also been to Germany for 2 days. I was at Medica, which if my understanding is correct is the world’s second biggest medical show in the world!  I have to say it was huge, and in places a bit shocking!!!!  I’m not sure that playing a video of eye surgery on a stand is the best way of getting people on to your stand, but hey they must think it works......
In other news, tickets to Japan and Korea for the start of next year have been booked.  Tickets for Shanghai and Taiwan are in the planning stages, along with a tour of France, Serbia and a few other countries as well. Next year is already shaping up to be a busy one.
Once again we will be covering the along with a number of other events. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @iangreenphotos and you can also find us on facebook as well. These along with this blog will be the places to find out where we will be talking photos and when they are up and ready on the website.
Talking of shaping up! Plans are afoot for not only being at events to take photographs, but also for a racing come back! Next year is going to be a year to return to running. Because of the amount of traveling that is already on the cards it is just about going to be impossible to train for IM again next year. Though one thing I can do while traveling is run, so at the moment myself and the good lady wife will be running at The Edinburgh half and full marathons, though I'm also planning on doing a few ultra’s next year as well. Though at my current fitness levels a run around the block all but just about kills me at the moment. 
Though I say I won’t be racing IM again next year there are plans for a bit of a special relay event at The Vitruvian. Normally at a relay event you plan what part of the relay you are going to do well in advance of the event, well the plan for myself and 2 other friends is to draw lots of who is going to be doing what part of the race moments before the transition area closes.  Maybe not the brightest idea we have ever had, though it did seem quite funny when we thought it up at the end of last years race.  So if you want to know how things shape up keep an eye on here to see how things pan out over the coming months!
Any how, just a very quick round up of the week, and a very basic plan for events next year.
Right better go for a run if I’m not going to let the wife show me up at Edinburgh.
Next blog coming soon.
Don’t forget to check out the main website

Sunday 13 November 2011

ian-greenphotography goes live goes live
Yes, it’s true the site has finally gone live.
It has been a busy week, we have been working hard on getting the site finished and I’ve been in Hong Kong working. 
The photo below was taken while walking back to my hotel in the Causeway Bay part of Hong Kong.  During the first part of the day this market sells fish and meat, and some fruit and veg.  Later in the day the market transforms into a purely fruit and veg market.  Hong Kong is one of my favourite cites in the world with all its colours, sounds and none stop lifestyle.

Causeway Bay Market Hong Kong
Though I digress from the new website.
We will of course be adding to the number of events covered over the coming months, and to this end we would be interested to hear from you of any events you think we should be covering. It would also be great to hear any feedback you may have regarding the website, the way it looks the content, things you might like to be added.  All of this can be sent to
The blog we hope will become a regular update as to where we are, where we have been and generally what we have been up to. This might include events we are taking photos at, events we are competing in, or just where we have been......
Anyway don’t forget to return to after reading the blog, and we look forward to hearing from you with your comments, and we hope to see you at an event very soon.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Website to go live soon.....

Just a very quick blog.

New website will be going live very soon.

Watch out for more details very soon.